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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikulua: The poetry is Vigo’s, the coarseness is in Ihe words themselves - 20/09/2011 14:03


So far we have only quoted those parts of the articles by Pierre Bost and Didier Women Reebok Shoes Daix expressing a feeling of sadness and disappointment Other passages reveal that, despite their feelings, they share in a new attitude towards Vigo’s work, a new phase charac­terized by the fact lhat critics were no longer responding lo only one dimension of Zero de Conduite as they had in. In the critics had responded only to the black side of the film, and dunng Vigo lifetime they were totally insensitive to Reebok High Top its poetry, whatever the colour. It was only after that Ihe poetry in Zero de Conduite began to be evident. In the first part of his article. Pierre Bosi remains true to the tone of in referring lo a film full of bitlcrncuk. harsh in its irony, lucid in ils disillusionment. Later on. however. Ik is sensitive to the new riches revealed by Zerode Conduite: Don’t imagine it ts a black him. On the contrary, it is joyous, full of brilliant gags and an incredible, teeming nchneu of invention which is all too rare in Reebok outlet France. A word should also be said about its touch of poetry a ruueh abused term which suddenly bursts out. almost disturbingly, during ihe Reebok Zigfuel uprising in die dormitory. Similarly Didier Daix. alter the initial disenchantment already quoted, advises readers lo see Zero de Conduite to discover the spirit, the nonconformity and the poetry with which the heart of this revolutionary filmmaker was so full. For most of the newcomers to love of the cinema, the first revelation of Zero dc Conduite was essentially poetic, and the term, never mentioned in the articles of. is used constantly: Intense poetic force; a vision borh poetic and ferocious; a poctk sense of humour:T gags, whose intense poetry. A delictouslv poetic satire; a magnificent poem of childhood. The poetry is Vigo’s, the coarseness is in Ihe words themselves. like Monsieur, can hegoT,w ctc. We are far from the impression of vulgarity, excess and despair left by the film twelve years earlier. The Reebok easytone shoes comparison with Cdinc. vtill found in the Baideche and Brasillach book, no longer crops up anywhere. One critic writing in. going to the opposite extreme, even manages to see Zerode Conduite as no more than an amiable fantasy. Why don’t people take things more easily? Why don’t they forget about understanding and let themselves he carried into the marvellous world which any director of genius creates lor us: a work! in which teachers imitate Chaplin and do Reebok Zigtech handstands on one hand on their desks during classes, a world inhabited by people who suddenly walk in slowmotion without being aware of it. a world in which cartoons come life, in which firemen base beards, Discount Reebok Shoes Cheap Reebok Zigtech and pro­fessors wear nightshirts which arc too short for them Tlie real world of cinema inhabited byj. Jean Vigo and Rene Clair. Mclies.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikulua: Yet another cntie: A boardingschool gives a child his fir - 20/09/2011 14:06


Renoir, and tlie director of Monsieur CoecmeHe. A reaction to this tendency did not take long to develop. And these kids wash. play, study, have lights with Reebok High Top ordinary, everyday words and gestures; but we are being misled. The real subtest of the him is elsewhere, and it is black. We sec a schoolboy rag. a teacher nod to hrs bed. school chums smoking cigars in a hidingplace, and we must hear what Vigo, rightly or wrongly, is crying out all through the film: Don’t be misted hy what we seem to be; we children are terribly akMic. you adults are now there, and if you arc. it makes things worse. Wc must therefore consider you as null and void. Reebok Zigfuel Here and there, however, the different aspects of Zero de Conduite begin to he de­scribed with more precision. Tbe existence of two separate worlds in Zero de Comiuiie is acknowledged, though without any real understanding of their exact nature or of the boundary between them. For Georges Mangny. there are two sorts Reebok outlet of characters, two clam. On one side, the shirt with the stiff collar, the nicely painted facade with ;i worm eaten interior, an arbitrary stupidity: an illtempered tcachcr. a cunning head super­visor. a grotesque principal, and all those Auni Sally targets al the back sf Ihe platform on the school commemoration day. On the othei side of the barrier erected by the rules, an amublc. ladykilling junior master, a fervent odmirer of Chaplin this is the period of Cut Lights, leads an un­forgettable band of children Another critic wntes: When compared with these previse, lough children, the adults live in a strange fantasy world: which is why. whatever they do. their actions are absurd and inexplicable, their manner unreal, iheii reproaches and their praise beyond comprehension. The dialogue itself, unabashedly crude between tlie children, becomes elliptical with the adult. Even better, the critic who sign himself Captain Blood: The theme of Discount Reebok Shoes Cheap Reebok Zigtech the film is not in its plot: it is concerned with other things, which explains why the film is so disturbing. Now. there seems to mc to be a basically very simple reason for this ambiguity: every­thing to do with Reebok Zigtech children is presented to us with a realism so extraordinarily stark that it lacerates the screen; everything to do with adults, on the other hand but nothing else is Women Reebok Shoes constantly distorted by being viewed deliberately but not gratuitously Irom a special angle The dialogue itself, astonishingly true with the children, becomes strange and jerky when spoken by the adults. Yet another cntie: A boardingschool gives a child his fir si experience of the constraints of social life, for hun. the Reebok easytone shoes world then divides itself into two groups, the teachers and the oppressed. Jean Vigo, the son ot an anarchist, naturally finds himself on the side of the oppressed. It is true that for Vigo the school is little more than a substitute for society.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikulua: Thoe of in who still chcruh childhood memories will recognize - 20/09/2011 14:07


Andre Bain notes. Social satire. Maurice Lcgay writes, can be found in Vigo, and it is neither sweet nor sour: it has something strange, disquieting, puzzling about it. which provokes the sort of uneasiness which antagonized the censor. Such was the path taken by die new French film critic in exploring Zero dc Con June. Another Reebok High Top sinking thing about the articles written in t i the ease with which the cntics. unlike those writing in J. recognized Vigo’s authenticity and the truth with which be bore witness: These children,. every one of them in his own way is a little Vigo  Vigo ts not playing He has a work to offer us. denved Irom a vision which may be worthwhile or may not but u authentically ha own. und be proceeds to offer it to us. As we watch the boy silently bow hi head under the insult showered on hi Reebok Zigfuel mother, how can one help but recall that Vigo was the son ot the Almereyda of le Bonnet Rouge?w Thus, the loneliness which fills him. he who was the son of un Reebok outlet out law. This knowledge ol a few facts about Vigo’s life i not the only way tlie critics deter­mined the personal sincerity of Vigo’s work Zero dr Conduite has another way of establishing its authenticity, hy compelling critic to explore their own childhood memories One has to have been a boarder oneself. to evaluate the Reebok Zigtech truthfulness with which Vigo has depicted the absurd atmosphere of the dump. Jean Vigo has given his scenes from school life an authenticity which is at times hallucinatory; we arc faced by the ghosts and shadows of our own childhood. An astonishing sense of accuracy. These images from childhood which have wandered into the film from our own memories are unforgettable. He arc those children. Ihe bureaucrat, with their stiff collars arc playground supers isors to the life. Thoe of in who still chcruh childhood memories will recognize the Uuthfulncss with which the dump and all dumps arc alike is depleted in Zero de Conduite.  Neither Angels with Dirty Faces nor Nightingales, his children arc terribly true to life. Enid und die Delekllre and Zero dr Conduite. the charmingly Discount Reebok Shoes Cheap Reebok Zigtech phony and the world as it is. side by side. The last two quotations reveal a phenomenon which occurs frequently in the reviews: critics feel impelled to compare Ziro de Conduite to other films about children, and the latter pale to insignificance beside the truth of Vigo’s vision. Wc are a king way beyond the sweet little boarders of most Dims, and tbe Utile Germans m Enid un J du Deiekiive a good film, though seem by companion rather cutc and scnumcntal. We arc a long way from Emit und die Detektiie. Nous les Cones or La Cage out Rossigmoh. Charming films, all of them, but rulhcr Women Reebok Shoes conventional despite their timid uttcmpl at audacity. But Zerode Conduite has real Reebok easytone shoes sincerity, it has nothing in common with Sftrhuse.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikulua: while at the same time in Paris a member of the Chamber - 20/09/2011 14:10


Les Disparus de SaintAgi! ok La Cage aux Rnsstgnols f ake Les Disparus de SaimAgil. for insuncc. A poeuc story told by a good storyteller The images arc quite anonymous, the camera line them up mechanically, unfolding a story which lias children as its object. not its subject. The child’s vision never shapes the images: the child is not the creator of the world to be filmed, merely something in it. The images here play a role which is more or less the cinematic equivalent of type ui printing. And an enthusiast writes: This dead nun Vigo is more alive than the majority of his living colleagues. His ghost marches ahead of them, in the vanguard. Reebok outlet Towards the end ot. it was noted that Zero de Conduite was enthusiastically acclaimed at the Pantheon cinema by an audience composed largely of university students. A few years Latci. in. one reads. After being banned for lillccn years. Zero de Combine has finally found its true audience. Jean Vigo’s film has Reebok Zigfuel not aged: on the contrary, it remains as explosive as it was in. This Last sutcracnt is an exaggeration. Nevertheless, between the dates of these lost two press reviews, between and. Zerode Conduite continued to meet obstacles in pursuance of its career. At times one gets the impression that the film had become accepted in Francc exccpt by ihe ecclesiastical censors by everybody concerned in one way or another with the cincma; bul then something crops up lo prove that the dynamite it oncc contained is not. as Didier Daix thought, completely defused. In February. for instance, concurrently with the exhibitions commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the cincnu in which Vigo figured prominently. thank partly lo the rcccnt reissue of Ziro de Conduite. one could read that ui Montpellier, M. Spnzer. Reebok Zigtech Reebok easytone shoes director of the University halls of residence, has prohibited ihe screening of Jean Vigo’s Zero de Conduite to his students. During the winter of. the University of Pans, with the collaboration of the French Institute at Innsbruck, showed Ziro de Comitate to young Austrians. Germans and Italians attending the University colloquu at SaintChrisiophe de lArlbcrg. while at the same time in Paris a member of the Chamber of Deputies challenged the government over a decision nude by a prefect forbidding Discount Reebok Shoes Cheap Reebok Zigtech the screening of Zero de Conduite in a provincial tilm society. After it was mostly in film Reebok High Top societies throughout France that Zero lie Conduite pursued its carcci. as well as in art theatres and al the MusCe du CinCma in Paris. There was nothing tnumphal about the film’s progress. Zero de Conduiie continued to win admirers very slowly, but the main thing was that the process Women Reebok Shoes was a continuing one One reviewer, after attending a showing at a film society, wrote: I must confcss that I don’t see anything to get evened aboul in Ziro de Conduite.