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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Articulus: Jans de Gortersdochter and Reebok Easytone Shoes Dirkgen Willem - 29/08/2011 14:29


Maritje Jans de Gortersdochter and Reebok Easytone Shoes Dirkgen Willem The women who had the greatest contact with Joris obviously were These within his family, especially his wife and mother. Unfortunately not very much is known about them. Most of what little information we do have is from a biography of Joris written by a close associate or perhaps himself2 We do know that his mother was Maritje Jans de Gortersdochter, who had married Joris de Koman or Joris van Amersfoort, a lesser merchant from Amersfoort who seems also to have been a member of one of the popular chambers of rhetoric, drama societies that Reebok High Top performed plays in most of the cities of the Low Countries.3 David’s mother had been forced to leave her home city of Delft, Holland, for a time because of the disagreement and great injustice of the world, having fled from her parents or friends like a runaway into this strange land.4 It appears that the young couple moved to To her daughter Fenne gave her tersoer, the sideboard, and her two rings, her red robe and her purple skirt. Also her worsted cloak with the two camel hair sleeves and six chair cushions. The further household goods she must have divided among others whom we do not know. Others were not forgotten. Thus Reebok Zigfuel joffer ter Loe received Fenncke’s silver ruiker, a holder for a small ball of scent, and her sister received small silver shovels embossed with roses. To her niece Egbert, a daughter of her sister, she bequeathed her best kovele, her cape with the blue camel hair guardbraces, hanging shoulder straps to protect the sleeves, and two camel hair sleeves. Finally, also for Egbert, there were two kerchiefs. Reebok Zigtech Fenne’s elderly mother, who obviously lived with her, caused her some worry. By means of her testament Fenne attempted, at least for the initial time after her death, to ensure shelter for her mother. In her testament she requested urgently that her mother be allowed to live in her house for another year, and thereafter when the house, according to her understanding, would be lived in by others, that her mother be granted the achterkamerthc back part of the houscfor the rest of her life. Beyond this her mother received the warm fur coat which Fenne herself wore, and the right to use the remaining eating utensils. Furthermore, 2 guilders, which lay in her Women Reebok Shoes opposed by the civic leaders when it came to the confiscation of Fcnne’s possessions. They did not allow the central rulers from Brussels to seize her goods, but said that these should fall to the Reebok outlet city. They would thereby be in a position to put into effect Fenne’s last testament and to follow the stated desires concerning her movable goods and household effects. This appears indeed to have been a posthumous honour when wc interpret carefully her preserved testament and the annotations that were added to it. The reverse side of the document says: Testamentum Fenneke van gele hir gedrencki um die wederdoepe Testament of Fenneke van Gele, drowned here because of rebaptism. City secretary Verhcyden had written on a loose page next Discount Reebok Shoes Cheap Reebok Zigtech to it: soe veer die eirsame Raidt will benedigen as far as the honourable council will permit. Fenne’s first concern, as is evident from this testament, went out to her still young children.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Articulus: been published as early as by Reebok Easytone Shoes Desplaces et al - 07/09/2011 08:34


Data obtained over the years at the Lobund Laboratory at the University of Reebok High Top Women Reebok Shoes Notre Dame show that the proportionate size of the cecum decreases with age in the rat, but increases with age in the mouse and guinea pig. HEART AND CIRCULATION The rather consistent finding of a relatively small heart in the adult germfree rat originally drew our attention to the circulatory system. Dr. H. A. Gordon and I measured a number of its parame­ters and found that lower cardiac Reebok Zigtech output and a smaller blood volume were associated with the smaller heart of the germfree rat. Apparently, the present germfree rat requires a Reebok outlet  smaller circula­tory system per unit body weight than its conventional control. Before elaborating on this phenomenon I would like, however, to draw attention to certain data on cholesterol levels. The gnotobiote is the animal of choice to study the systemic cholesterolbile acid metabolism, the farreaching influence of the intestinal microflora on this metabolism, and, of course, the lifelong influence of these effects on the circulatory system of the animal. In rats and mice the presence of an intestinal microflora or certain of its com­ponents will accelerate the flow through the Discount Reebok Shoes Cheap Reebok Zigtech cholesterolbile acid pathway and generally leads to lower cholesterol levels than found in the absence of a microflora. It is interesting to note, however, that in the germfree aorta further accumulation of choles­terol with age appears to be small in contrast to the finding in the conventional control Table. Occasional bacterial penetration may, over a lifespan, lead to a sufficient number of aortic lesions in the conventional animal to account for the slight but statistically significant increase in cholesterol content of the aorta. Returning to the differences in heart weight, blood volume, and cardiac output, it should be mentioned that other observations appeared to Reebok Zigfuel be related to the aforementioned. Earlier work had demonstrated a reduced regional blood flow and thiamine pyrophos­phate content in the germfree liver, indicating a low energy producing metabolism. Other studies had indicated, quite incidently, a lower C production in germfree rats. We therefore determined resting O consumption as an indication of basal metabolic rate and found it percent lower in the germfree rat. Similar results had been obtained by Levenson et al. and had also been published as early as by Reebok Easytone Shoes Desplaces et al. in France. The French auThers reported further that lj incor­poration in the germfree rat was substantially lower. It thus appears that, for some reason, general metabolism in the germfree rat is slower. Since Gordon has always suspected the enlarged cecum of this animal with its contents containing highly toxic and otherwise bioactive materials, as a source of potential stress.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Articulus: cecectomy was performed on a Reebok Zigfuel number of germfree rats - 07/09/2011 08:36


 surgical cecectomy was performed on a Reebok Zigfuel number of germfree rats. The results were quite surprising. The cececto mized germfree rats show normal cardiac output values Table, and the oxygen consumption reaches values that are almost, but not quite, comparable to These found in the conventional animal Table. It Reebok Zigtech would seem that in the absence of a microflora, cer­tain bioactive materials accumulate in the enlarged cecum and, because of their prolonged residency, enter the host in quantities that strongly affect metabolism. Obviously, the presence of the abnormally enlarged cecum exerts a great influence on the whole metabolic system of the germfree rat We do not quite understand the scope and relationships of these TABLE Cardiac Output of Intact and Cecectomized Germfree and Conventional Male Wistar Rats Months of Agea phenomena, but it is certain that they require extensive investiga­tion. In the meantime, it will be necessary to take these factors into account when using the germfree rodent as an experimental tool. The above data amply illustrate that the germfree animal is Reebok outlet  not a copy of the conventional one, but that it is an animal with its own specific phenotype. The present germfree rat, mouse, rabbit, and guinea pig grow well, reproduce normally, and appear to have normal lifespans. These animals offer great advantages for well controlled experiments in the life sciences, but they also have cer­tain potential disadvantages that we hope eventually to control. Gnotobiotic techniques also offer possible association with se­lected microbial species. This allows the study of the effect of a certain microbial species or combination of species on the Discount Reebok Shoes Cheap Reebok Zigtech phenome­non under study, and, on the other hand, it makes it possible to normalize the germfree rodent wiTheut sacrificing the controlled conditions of the experiment. Certain combinations of microbial species are known that will maintain themselves as reasonably con­stant populations in gnotobiotic rats and mice. Six microorganisms Streptococcus faecalis, Lactobacillus brevis, Aerobacter aero genes, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Bacteroides sg., and a yeast, all isolated as nonpaThegenic strains from the intestine of a con­ventional rat, have been established as a sixmembered flora Hexa flora in gnotobiotic rats and mice Morris Reebok High Top Women Reebok Shoes Wagner, personal com­munication. These members were selected as representatives of the major microbial groups comprising the intestinal flora of the conventional rodents maintained at Lobund Laboratory. Aerobacter Reebok Easytone Shoes aerogenes was selected to replace the more abundant Escherichia coli as a representative of the facultative Gramnegative flora, and Staphylococcus epidermidis was selected as a representative of the staphylococci to replace the more common.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Articulus: Reebok High Top Women Reebok Shoes To our knowledge - 07/09/2011 08:41


 Staphylococcus aureus, in order to minimize the pa The Reebok outlet  genic potential of the microbial environment. At this time, it is not known whether this sixmem bered flora represents the minimal flora necessary for normaliza­tion. The animals have not yet been studied extensively, but certain pertinent characteristics, like relative cecum size, seem to be more comparable to These of the conventional experimental animal Table. This approach would be especially valuable in gerontological research, since the effect of lifelong association with certain bac­terial species could be investigated in a system with a defined, normalizing Reebok Easytone Shoes microbial background, but with none of the uncon­trolled potential paThegens that so often make gerontological re­search a task that leads to early senescence of the investigator. There are many papers dealing with the lesions of old rats. A recent book, PaThelogy of Laboratory Rats and Mice, Reebok Zigtech edited by E. Cotchin and F. J. C. Roe, contains much valuable informa­tion and many references to such lesions. Our own material has been gathered primarily from old rats that died in the animal quarters and that have been necropsied as a part of our continuing effort to gather as much Discount Reebok Shoes Cheap Reebok Zigtech information as possible about laboratory animals. Most of the rats were obtained from commercial sources as retired breeders. The animals were fed a commercial rat diet, free choice. Chronic murine pneumonia enzootic bronchiectasis, chronic respiratory disease is probably the bestknown disease of rats because the lesions of the late stages of the infection are obvious. Morbidity is high unless special precautions are taken to exclude the disease from the colony. While the presence of this disease is well known, information on the etiologic agents is incomplete. After many years of work on this problem, Nelson concluded that the peribronchial lymphocytic response was provoked by a virus, and that Mycoplasma pulmonis was responsible for upper respiratory disease. Reebok High Top Women Reebok Shoes To our knowledge, the virus has not yet been characterized, and Innes et al. have suggested that it might be one of the slow viruses. It is obvious that infected Reebok Zigfuel rats cannot be used in experi­ments requiring critical evaluation of the lung. The disease itself, however, presents many intriguing problems and is worthy of study. If the agent is, indeed, a slow virus, there is an abundance of mate­rial for These interested in studying these viruses. Perhaps some treatments for bronchiectasis could be evaluated in these animals. The work of Ventura and Domaradzki indicates that bronchiecta­sis does not develop following bronchial ligation unless Mycoplasma pulmonis is present. Cultural and serological characteristics of murine mycoplasma were reported by Tully and Lemcke.