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he persist in his unbelief
begins with the narrator focusing

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addicts ui the state in which the company is incorporated. The Mates do rt accept a pott office bo as the address for Ihe registered agcnL Most statre do not allow a corporation to act as its own registered agent; however a director or officer of o corporation can act as that cor¬poration's registered agent in her or his mdrvidunl capacity Foe etampV. fohn Brown it incorporating Brown's Candy Corporation in his home state Brown's Candy Corporation cannot be its own registered agent but John Brown using the address of Btown's Candy Corporation can MBT Shoes be tlie regittered MBT Shoes Clearance agent If another company is acting at registered agent for raiu business tlial company must br rvgrtervil as a corporation with the state. We'll utc nlin Brown tor our example again. Let's toy he does not want to act at the registered agent lor Brown's Carrfy Corporation. His fneod Jarve Smith operates a partnership with her sister. Mr. Brown would like to use Ms. Smith as the registered agent for Brown's Candy Corporation but Sis Smith's company not eligible to be a rcgittered agent because her butlncss a not incorporated with the state Ms. Smith herself could act at the registered agent but cheap MBT shoes her partnership carovot. When corporations White MBT Shoes are not mcoeporaled in their home slate they need a registered agent in the state of incorporation. Dcbware an example erf a state where this recently happens. Meet businesses incor¬porated in Delaware do not have a physical presence in the state and therelore must utc a registered agent service provider. Most in corpora tiixi service providers and attorneys alto offer registered agent services for nn annual fee. If you are filing our own paperwork you can tall enlist the services of an mcoiprratico service provider for registered agent wrviocst and the secretary of Mute's office will often have a lot of registered agent service providers in that stnte There are a number of advantages to using s registered agent ser¬vice provider hut the benefits often differ for large snd snvsil companies For Urgv andor public corporations the primary benefit cximes from having service ol pmvy and state document nnt to the rtiiteml agent. The reyteied agent typically has delivery instructions to enwrv these documents reach the correct .nnla.Ksl within Ihe corporation lor example Ulg Company Incoepnrated has 2IKO etnpioyav at it cor¬porate headquarter. If the addrew. of its corporate headquarter Is list¬ed as the address o the teglstered agent for the corporation documents would probably be delivered to the mail room which might complicate the process ce getting these important cfocumcnts to the nght person. If the secretary of the corporation it listed as the registered agent for Big Company Incorporated these documents may make discount MBT shoes it to him or her. but they rrvsy not be set Women MBT Shoes apart from the normal mail and thus they could become loot in the pile of papers most of us have on our desks. If Rig Company Inivaporated uses regwtcred agent service provider that MBT Sport Shoes pnnider may have

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